Super full moon full moon fire witches night love spells
Super full moon on Wednesday April 8th, 2020 until 04:35:05 The waxing moon (98% illuminated) passes through the Virgo constellation. It will be in the south tomorrow at 0½ a.m. on Tuesday. It then reaches a height of 44 °. The moon is full at night from Tuesday to Wednesday: we will experience the largest super full moon in almost 6 years. Central European Summer Time (CEST) Moon sign: Libra 18 ° 43 ' from April 7th to 8th the moon approaches our earth on less than 360,000 kilometers. Not only is it closer to Earth than usual, we also see it seven percent larger. And best of all: the weather plays along, the night is clear. At 6:53 p.m. the moon rises over Germany in the east at 06:58 on April 8th in the west again. The symbols, gestures used ritually in a witch and actions affect subconsciousness which in turn is a change (the fulfillment of the purpose of the ritual). Full moon fire, witches night, dear magic, money magic, Success spell, healing spell. Link:
When is the next super moon? Date Time Earth distance 04/08/2020 03:35 a.m. 357,035 kilometers 05/26/2021 12:14 p.m. 357,462 kilometers 07/13/2022 07:37 p.m. 357,418 kilometers 08/31/2023 02:35 AM 357,344 kilometers 10/17/2024 12:26 p.m. 357,364 kilometers 11/05/2025 02:19 p.m. 356,980 kilometers
The full moon has people had always been under his spell. The sight alone is something wonderful. When the light of the moon illuminates the dark nights many things happen that are still inexplicable to scientists, and many myths are about vampires, ghosts and werewolves. that wreak havoc in the full moon. But I want to at this point deal more with the magical aspect of the full moon. So witches and wizards always met under a full moon work magically because at no time is magic as effective as a full moon. Actually a day or two beforehand because the armed forces are on the full calendar of the calendar decreasing again. The full moon hex meetings are called Esbat, and here the moon is worshiped goddess, who has many names. Full moon festivals are celebrated in all cultures worldwide and every people has its moon goddess. Maria was also in old pictures in Christianity depicted standing on a moon sickle, especially to present women a goddess as they were used to in the old pagan beliefs. Here are the best known in our region: we know Astarte and Inanna from the Middle East, from the Romans the goddess Diana, the Greeks Artemis, Hekate and Selene and of course Isis from the Egyptians. With the Esbats, the power of the moon, as I call it, the strongest is recorded at the moment to do positive things with this energy. I use that energy and power the single star sign, where the sun is on this full moon to shape my personality. In short, to work on myself by trying out some of the good features to take this star sign. Magical work is then done with the opposite Star sign made, because that's the sign the moon is in. The year has 13 moons, but only 12 months, Hence the 13th moon is called the blue moon. This is celebrated when a month has two full moons. To give the full moon more beautiful names I copied a bit from the Indians and also let my own imagination play. I start the wheel of the year in March, because in March the spring is equinox, the birth of nature, and the ram also stands for the birth, just as the fish symbolize death. That's why the wheel of the year starts for me in March like in the old days. March moon of stormy winds Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra Favorable for magic in marriage, Favorable for magic in marriage, April moon budding trees Sun in the bull, moon in the scorpio Convenient for defense magic and exorcising spirits Sometimes April 31st is full moon Beltane. For all moon descriptions, see the info link:
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