Superstitions Magic Russia Europe China
Superstitions Magic Russia Europe China
Russians are superstitious and see a lot of signs for the future.
Neither religions, nor the atheistic ideology of the communist regime
could harm the deep-rooted superstition.
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When misfortune threatens, spitting or knocking against wood helps
Russians believe in the evil eye that brings misfortune or plague and are afraid of it.
You can often see how parents of a child about whom something good is being said
spit three times over her left shoulder or knock three times on something wooden.
This averts the misfortune that arises from resentment.
At least that's what the Russians believe.
Even if you talk to someone about the prospects of success,
congratulates someone on a good deed or only intends to
going on vacation, Russians are afraid of evil eyes
and knock on wood so as not to try their luck.
If you have no wood at hand, your own (wood) head has to serve
and thinks it has the same effect.
Beware of a useless, bad day! Better not carry empty buckets
If you see someone with an empty container -
whether it's a bucket or a cart - that's a bad omen.
It gets really bad when, for example, you are in the country of a farmer
encountered with an empty bucket or a street sweeper in the city
with an empty dirt cart.
Then nobody can save themselves from the lost day.
But the Russians think along.
To prevent this from happening, everyone is in empty buckets,
Barrels or carts always something so that the container is not empty -
be it a rag, a broom or a rake.
Russians are particularly suspicious when it comes to money.
For example, a taxi driver or seller may reject well-earned money
if you want to hand it over to him.
Instead, you are asked to put the money somewhere;
either on the dashboard or on a special payment plate next to the cash register.
The background to this strange custom is that you think
the money could transmit the energy of its owner, possibly negative.
As soon as the payer is out of sight again,
the influence of his energy is gone and you can accept the money.
Darkness makes thieves: don't get anything out of the house at night
Basically, you shouldn't bring anything out of the house at night,
because otherwise you could lose property in your sleep and that would be fatal for the future of the house.
Empty bottles, small money or keys should never be on the table
These things are considered a bad omen.
Because of financial losses or tears, the Russians place these things
that cannot be completely avoided in everyday life, at least outside the field of vision.
Think about what you are giving: never knives, watches or scarves
From Russians' point of view, these objects are very bad gifts because they bring bad luck.
Scarves bring tears, knives to enemies and watches bring separation or death.
Even if you're ready to give a Russian Hermès scarf a luxurious gift,
she would rather buy it herself.
If such a gift is made out of ignorance, you have to return a small coin.
So the thing is "bought" and misfortune averted.
The door swell as an evil place
Even the ancient Slavs believed that the doorstep was a place where evil spirits live.
That's why you should never stand at the doorstep, talk about it or hand something over.
Conversations at the front door, as is common in Europe, bring bad luck.
So it should take place either in the apartment or in front of it, but not across the threshold.
This also applies to Swiss Post:
You receive and acknowledge letters and parcels either outside or inside, never in between.
Whoever leaves the house should not turn back
Russians consider it a bad omen to turn back on the way out of the house,
if you remember that you forgot something.
This is a bad omen for them.
You will consider three times whether it is really necessary to go back.
If you can't avoid it and if you come home in the evening,
you can outsmart the accident by looking in the mirror at home.
For your own well-being, you shouldn't do without it.
Sit down again before a trip
If someone is planning a long trip and is leaving the house,
the whole family has to sit down again before leaving.
This is a Russian custom and heralds for a good trip.
This moment helps people to calm down and collect again.
At that moment, many people remembered
that he forgot something important to grab one.
The table is considered a gift table
The table must be kept clean and honored.
In this way it is considered an altar.
That’s why most Russians don’t like it,
when they see American films where someone is sitting on the table
or even put his feet on it.
This is considered pious and brings poverty and death.
Never offer a corner space to a woman
In ancient Russia, unpopular corner seats at the table became only poor relatives
or left to older women.
It’s even believed that a woman willn’t get married for seven years,
if you have to sit in a corner.
So it is better to move closer together and leave the corner free.
Many good signs
Not all Russian omens are harbingers of misfortune.
There are also happy ones.
For example, if a spider or bird droppings ("message from the pigeon") gets on clothing,
or you kick dirt in dogs, that's annoying for now
but at the same time a harbinger of great financial success.
If a company in a car goes under a railway bridge,
over which a goods train is currently rolling brings happiness and prosperity,
if you pour the money and credit cards out of the wallets over your heads and call out:
"Goods train let money rain!"
The power of but belief is that it is passed down from generation to generation.
And the nice thing is that you can outsmart all bad omens,
provided you know which "antidotes" work.
These deeply rooted customs and customs make the Russians so lovable
and only when a foreigner is reasonably familiar with it
and getting involved, he will get a little closer to the Russian soul.
Sources link:

In Germany, people don't like to congratulate you on your birthday before the actual day.
The superstition is due to the fact that demons prevent birthday wishes.
In other cultures, on the other hand, it is quite normal to have a happy birthday
wish joyeux anniversaire.
By the way, when toasting, look strictly into each other’s eyes,
to make sure that this person didn't put poison in our drink.
In France it says: Araignée du matin chagrin,
"Spider in the morning brings grief".
If a bird looks into the house through the window, something bad will happen.
In Sweden it's a no-go to kill a spider
because it will rain the next day!
In Sweden there are two types of spiders (manhole covers):
the one with an "A" and the one with a "K" on it.
Those starting with "A", like avbruten kärlek ("lost love")
or arbetslöshet ("unemployment")!
Maybe the spiders in the house are better to bring luck.
While Friday the 13th is a bad day in Germany,
Friday 17th in Italy is particularly negatively charged.
In Spain, Tuesday is the 13th the misfortune day
you shouldn't travel or get married that day.
Bags in Poland have lost nothing on the floor,
because that's how the money can easily escape from them.
Great Britain
If you run into a magpie in the UK,
if you would rather greet them kindly:
"Good morning Mister Magpie. How is your lady wife today? "
"Good morning, Mr. Elster. How is your wife doing today? "
The only way to make sure that you spend the rest of the day
are not pursued by bad luck.

Superstition is very important in China.
Unlucky number:
1 The 1 stands for loneliness, the beginning, the origin and the whole,
but also, like all other odd numbers, for masculinity.
Lucky number:
2 is a good number in Chinese belief because there is a Chinese proverb:
"Good things come in pairs."
Double happiness
Lucky number:
3 The 3 is also one of the good numbers because "sān" is pronounced
sounds similar to the word for birth "shēng".
Unlucky number:
4 The 4 is THE unlucky number, because 4 "sì" almost sounds like "sǐ"
(different tone) and this in turn means death.
Both tones sound very similar, especially in informal conversations.
In many parts of Asia, buildings do not have a 4th floor.
In Hong Kong, some even go so far, all floors number 4
(4, 14, 24, 34, 40-49, etc.) and to delete floor 13,
because the 13 in turn is considered an unlucky number in our western culture
if not as consistently believed in it as in China
That a building that officially has 50 floors,
actually has only 35 "true" floors.
Lucky number:
5 is a lucky number again.
It is related to Tiananmen Square, which has 5 goals,
or the 5 Chinese elements fire, water, earth, wood and metal.
Another reason that 5 is a lucky number is that it is the same number
of Chinese blessings to strive for:
Wealth, happiness, longevity, happiness and prosperity.
Lucky number:
6 "liù" sounds similar to "liú", which means liquid.
In a figurative sense, that means something like
"The economy is flowing" - and therefore good.
We would probably say "the economy is up and running".
You can also take 2 × 3, which gives 6.
Quasi a double 3 and therefore double happiness.
Lucky number and unlucky number:
7 This number is both a lucky number and an unlucky number at the same time.
An unlucky number because it is seen in connection with evil spirits.
The 7th month (July) in the lunar calendar is also called the "ghost month".
The spirit is fixed on the 15th of the same month
and sacrifices are made and dead money is brought for the deceased relatives.
7 is also pronounced "qī", just like "qī", which translates to offend
or means cheating.
A lucky number is 7 because it stands for the 7 Buddhist treasures.
Furthermore, July 7th is Valentine's Day calendar in the Chinese moon.
Lucky number:
8 is the absolute favorite number of the Chinese.
It looks like the symbol of infinity ∞,
accordingly Chinese people assume infinite happiness.
Another form of interpretation is the knot,
which in turn symbolizes a successful union.
There are also 8 Taoist symbols and 8 treasures, 8
Lotus flower leaves
and 8 immortals in Buddhism.
In text messages for young people,
88 is also said online instead of "bye" because "bābā" or
"Bā bā liù" sounds like "bye bye".
A Chinese airline has 2,330,000 RMB (approx. € 320,000) for the rights of use
the phone number 8888 8888 paid.
A Chinese sold his license plate number A88888 for US $ 164,000.
Lucky number:
9 The number 9 is the largest of the individual digits and stands for longevity.
In addition, as mentioned, odd numbers are male.
The 9 as the largest odd number thus symbolizes the ultimate in masculinity
and thus also stands for the emperor.
The emperor is also a "sent from heaven" and the sky has 9 layers.
There are 9 dragons in the Chinese myth.
Imperial palaces had 9 courtyards, the New Year's Eve the emperor had 99 dishes
and the theater that was performed for him on his birthday consisted of 99 parts.
These and many other examples exist for the number 9 in connection with the emperor.
In addition, you can make the link 3 × 3 again, which in turn gives 9
and that, as we now know, is also a lucky number.
In the same way you can of course multiply all the numbers listed.
The result then also corresponds to a lucky or unlucky number, as described using the number 3 as an example.
Lucky number:
12 The 12 is therefore also a lucky number, since 2 × 6 or 2x2x3 results in 12.
It also stands for the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac.
Unlucky number:
14 The 14 is considered an unlucky number, since "shí sì", like the number 4, stands for death alone.
Another pronunciation possibility is "yāo sì" (one four), which sounds like "want to die".
Sources link:
Whistling at night brings bad luck in South Korea because it can draw your attention to evil spirits.
The number 4 bad luck number is pronounced as (schi), which means "death".
That is why the number 4 is increased as a hotel room as with us the 13th
Unthinkable in Asia to use the 4 as car number or telephone number because it brings bad luck.
But “why go so far?
See, the bad is so close ”
By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Doch „warum in die Ferne schweifen?
Sieh, das Ungute liegt so nah“
Von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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