Welcome witches sisters Greetings Witch magic Protective magic Hygiene tips Disinfectant COVID-19 panic. Don't turn your time into stress about negative messages. It won't help, don't give energy to fear. Magic is another way to deal with it. Here are some practical magic tips to help yourself, and protect your loved ones.
If you don't have to go to work, stay home. Limit shopping to essential needs only. Witches know the power of the invisible and the magic of transmission. We know that we can send and receive something as ethereal as energy. Of course we understand how a living organism, a virus, can travel through accidental physical contact, regardless of the fact that it cannot be seen.
Of course we understand how a living organism, a virus, physical contact can travel. I personally have a circle around my house and thrown my loved ones and asked the earth absorb the virus and convert it into something harmless, so that the air feeds the fire that burns and cleanses the cells of the virus, it makes it harmless for the purification of mother earth.
Witchcraft protection spells Disinfectant pandemic Video
Practical magic for precautions and protection While the witches coven responding to the increasing threat of Corona virus, many protective spells and rituals are shared. Simple witchcraft is practical magic, the magic combined with everyday. Here are some practical magic tips to help yourself, and protect your loved ones.
STAY AT HOME If you don't have to go to work, stay home. Limit shopping to essential needs only.
Witches know the power of the invisible and the magic of transmission. We know that we are sending something as ethereal as energy and can receive.
Of course we understand how a living organism, a virus, can travel through accidental physical contact, regardless of the fact that it cannot be seen.
I personally have a circle around my house and thrown my loved ones and asked the earth absorb the virus and convert it into something harmless, so that the air feeds the fire that burns and cleanses the cells of the virus,
rendering it harmless for the purification of mother earth and all their creatures.
Use one on my altar Magic of Brighid Reversible glass candle with the Brighid Reversible Äth. Oil. It might also be wise to offer remorse and ask the earth and nature for forgiveness for the damage, that we caused.
There are many magic spells and rituals which are shared throughout the witches coven like this prayer to Brigid.
A prayer to Brigid for protection and health. I want a short prayer for Brigid offer for protection and health. According to tradition, Saint Brigid in Faughart, County Louth, born where there is a shrine and another holy well, dedicated to her. St. Brigid’s Well in Liscannor Link: Brighid Tobar Bride Longitude: 6 ° 54 ′ 29 “W Latitude: 53 ° 8 ′ 34 ″ N St Brigid’s Holy Well Link:

Ignite it on my altar Magic of Brighid Healing glass candle with the Natural Essential Healing Oil.
Healing Magic Witch Candle Video
Ritual invocation:
Brigid, goddess of healing, the community, of justice; Protector, healer and patron of sovereignty,
Great warrior goddess, prepare us for the upcoming battles which we are all alone and have to face together. You are the one who their children would never leave. As the New Religion to our ancestors imposed their beliefs she stayed with us and turned into something else, so you can freely could stay among us. Goddess of justice, You are the, us in these dark times will light up the way. I beg you, to educate us so that we can do our magic. May we be healthy be loved and give our own love. We like it in the coming days to be protected from harm. May we be free from what threatens our well-being. Walk with us across this earth and share your strength Wisdom and grace with us. So be it, so be it, and so be it.

Now go through your rooms from left to right in the solar cycle.
and spray or wipe all surfaces with the disinfectant, light switch, door handles, toilet.
Speak to open your guardian spell.
Brigid Bright Brigid please bless and protect my apartment and all who live in it. Please keep everything evil away from us.
You say in every room. All clean everything in no evil spirit comes in.
I cleaned my house and my bike and my car and consider them safe zones.
Visitors: In my house, I ask her to take off her shoes and ask them to use the hand disinfectant.
Shopping: I wipe off all the products that I brought with me. Magically maintain my security zones by regularly recharging my intentions and the magical energy that I called
I like to do this by using incense sacred cleaning. or essential oils through my apartment. I make a spray mist with spring water and essential oils, from thyme, eycalyptus, sage, cloves, Lemongrass, tea tree oil, rosemary and lavender. No matter if you have holy smoke or ether. Oil mist,
or light a candle, appeal to the energy of your choice, for your home and your personal spaces protect against illness and harm.
I don't do this ritual every day once a week is enough. Hand wash is an excellent place to boost your magic, by protecting and cleaning herbs or ether. Oils pour liquid into a commercially available hand wash. Or if you're a really crafty witch make your own soap with the herbs and magic you want.
And remember that your hands are magical tools they receive and send energy!
Call protection and healing. A lot of what I've read about the novel Corona virus, Covid-19,
indicates that the virus penetrates through the nose or mouth
and replicated in the throat first. It has been suggested that gargling and use of zinc lozenges can help minimize this replication by slowing, reducing (or possibly preventing) significant proliferation in the lungs. Corona virus - not only in China, but also in Europe, maybe even worldwide? Is the corona virus the new pandemic? What are the symptoms? How can you protect yourself? Is Corona also transmitted via parcels from China? The reports on the new corona virus do not stop: The Corona virus goes viral! The fact is: we don't currently know everything about the new Corona virus, therefore there is also a flood of speculation False reports, "conspiracy theories". Why DAS Corona virus doesn't exist, how dangerous it really is and why we have known for years that a new outbreak is inevitable:
If you can't find a good antiseptic mouthwash, the effective ingredients are very simple, high-proof alcohol and some form of menthol or mint. A good bottle of 80 percent vodka, soaked cold with mint, fits well. As a witch, I placed great emphasis on my family's traditional remedies like organic apple vinegar to gargle and a cub of alcohol mixed with water Elder wine creates magical heat in the body that usually helps against colds.
Perhaps also against the corona virus??
Some information suggests that viruses
have a cold nature and should be fought with hot energies.
Again, whether you're using commercially manufactured remedies or make your own elixirs,
give things a magical boost,
indem du die Energien anrufst und deine Absichten des Schutzes
und der Heilung einfließen lässt.
FEED ENERGY As witches, we know that we are through the universal life force are connected to all living beings. The energy we send out is the energy that multiplies. Resist unnecessary fear and doubt design your precautions instead
in terms of respect for power of another living being. Also keep in mind that you are already on the internet are energetically connected to the virus.
Send healing energy in the belief that the virus can turn into something that is harmless to other people. A seven day candle magic would be good for this kind of magic and the new moon would be an excellent time to start. Many people are now seeking refuge in nature, Out into the open helps against corona excitement
German blog Corona virus panic helps 80 percent alcohol against corona viruses What are the symptoms? How can you protect yourself? Is Corona also transmitted via parcels from China? Link:
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