Oshun Erzulie Voodoo Loa Veve love spell
A veve is a graphic symbol representing a voodoo spirit (loa) represented in a ritual. Each loa has its own veve that can be clearly assigned to it.

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6805 Oshun Voodoo Loa Veve love spell amulet
Ritual: Before wearing the amulet for the first time, it should be energetically cleaned. This is done with salt water and Voodoo Orisha Incense Oshun (Item No .: 1767) Now you take 5 drops of Voodoo Orisha Oil Oshun (Art.No .: 3967) and anoint the amulet all around with it. After that, it’s important to have a personal relationship to build your amulet, so that it takes on your vibrations.
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IT-Art.Nr.:6805 Oshun Voodoo Loa Veve amuleto dell’incantesimo d’amore Link:
FR-Art.Nr.:6805 Oshun Voodoo Loa Veve amulette de sort d’amour Lien:
EN-Art.Nr.:6805 Oshun Voodoo Loa Veve love spell amulet Link:
DE-Art.Nr.:6805 Oshun Voodoo Loa Veve Liebeszauber Amulett Link:
Interresantes über Santeria Voodo aus Kuba Link:
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