2 min read
Super blood moon Mercury Jupiter and Saturn solar eclipse
Super blood moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, solar eclipse The top celestial events in 2021. March 9 and 10, 2021: Heaven's Quartet....
3 min read
Star gate into the age of Aquarius Yule 21 December 2020Great conjunction Jupiter and Saturn.
Star gate into the age of Aquarius Yule 21 December 2020 Great conjunction Jupiter and Saturn. New era of humanity begins New Jupiter &...
3 min read
Oshun Erzulie Voodoo Loa Veve love spell amulet
Oshun Erzulie Voodoo Loa Veve love spell amulet.
We offer the unique and rare opportunity
to acquire a real Oshun (Erzulie) Voodoo Loa Veve
2 min read
Lughnasad Lammas Witch Sabbath August 1st Harvest Full Moon Grain King.
EN-Lughnasadh Lammas Harvest Full Moon Grain King.
Traditionally on a full moon from early to mid-August.
FR-Lughnasadh Lammas Récoltez le
8 min read
Samhain Halloween Ritual Instructions
Excerpt from Brighid My Book of Shadows. ISBN 978-3-934978-21-8 The weel of the year also called witches sabbate are 8 evenly distributed...
7 min read
Beltane moon ritual according to ancient Celtic tradition.
Beltaine on the full moon on Thursday, May 7, 2020?
Beltane moon ritual according to ancient Celtic tradition.
7 min read
Rituel de lune de Beltane selon l'ancienne tradition celtique.
Beltaine à la pleine lune le jeudi 7 mai 2020?
Rituel de lune de Beltane selon l'ancienne tradition celtique
7 min read
Rituale della luna di Beltane secondo l'antica tradizione celtica.
Beltaine on the full moon on Thursday, May 7, 2020?
Beltane moon ritual according to ancient Celtic tradition.
2 min read
Book of Shadows Exclusive Edition.
11014 My Book of Shadows Exclusive Edition. Dimensions: 30 cm x 22 cm x 4 cm, 250 pages ISBN 978-3-934978-21-8 Only available in German....
3 min read
Happy New Year Greetings
Happy New Year Greetings, Neujahrsgruesse, Happy new Year, Bonne annee,Sylvester Ursprung, Buon anno, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Stastny Novy...