Springtime coming Ostara Witches Ritual
Ostara witches Ritual March 21 spring day equinox
Ostara March 21 (Spring equinox)
-The end of winter, the time of death-
-Arrival of spring-
-The reviving life, the birth of nature-
-Increase in light due to the return of the sun-
Start of the active phase in humans and nature
-Day and night are equally long-
-Return of the young god Baldur-
- Resurrection of the Goettin Ostara
from the underworld to the earthly world
-Colorful Easter eggs are still a symbol of fertility today
and the colors of nature Link:

Springtime coming, Fruehling kommt, Fun Animation Video
Springtime coming Fruehling kommt Fun Animation Youtube Link:
Ostara Greetings, Ostara ritual candles Video Link:
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Ostara Ritual Ostara Ritualkerzen Video Link:
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Hexenwandern Ritualplätze, Les sorcières voyagent dans des lieux rituels,
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Voodoo Oele Kerzen Kuba, Bougies à l'huile vaudou Cuba,
Voodoo oil candles Cuba, Candele ad olio voodoo Cuba. Link:
Pinterest Hexenfeste Sabbat de Sorciere Witchcraft Link:
IT-Oshun Erzulie Voodoo Loa Veve amuleto dell’incantesimo d’amore Link:
FR-Oshun Erzulie Voodoo Loa Veve amulette de sort d’amour Lien:
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