facebook-domain-verification=cvcpizmtgksq5fcmew8rd7c26oubyk The new modern witches from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.
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The new modern witches from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

Whether Azealia Banks witches utensil closet on Instagram

or Lana Del Ray, who is her Twitter follower

to an anti-trump magical moon cycle ritual -

Witchcraft is on the rise.

Whether Preen, Alberta Ferretti or Christian Dior -

all follow the magical and supernatural.

Alexander Mcqueen sends the models

for autumn / winter in fur, feather and capes with occult motifs

on the catwalk and Gucci's Alessandro Michele

uses for the ready-to-wear show

a huge black pyramid as a backdrop.

"Witchcraft" in the USA

Almost exploded in all forms:

Santeria, an African-American form of witchcraft,

Wicca or voodoo.


Social form and distribution

Wicca has a three-tier hierarchy of levels of initiation,

in coven of a maximum of thirteen witches

led by a high priest and a high priestess

you meet for rituals.

You become a member through initiation.

The witches initiation.

The initiation into the witches cult is also a recording

in the inaugurating coven.

Basically, every budding witch,

unless it comes from an authentic witch family,

can only be initiated by another consecrated witch,

in most traditions even from one

High priestess or a high priest.

Info Link:

In the 1960s and 1970s the witches movement combined

with the great social movements of the time.

"Shivers, trembles! We are the new witches "

was initially the political struggle for Italian feminists.

It became a new spiritual extension of oneself.

One withdrew from the patriarchally structured great religion.

The witch movement grew into a recognized religion, especially in the United States.

Since then you can find out about the internet and books,

initiate yourself even without coven.

They see themselves as "free-flying witches").

"Some may meet other witches,

feel addressed and then join a group.

Witches meet outside of Wicca today

as regaining female power and spirituality

There is also the segment of young witches:

the commercialized unorganized scene that is for magic, witchcraft

and nature interested in religion. Info link:

Teaching and rituals

Witches spirituality is by nature piety, feminism

and the search for personal power gain.

Witches see themselves "undogmatic"

and have no generally binding textbooks.

Wicca worship a horned god and a (moon) goddess.

"We believe that the creative power of the universe

expresses itself through polarity - through the masculine and the feminine -

resides in all people

and works through interactions between the male and female. "

In practice, the female deity dominates,

the triple moon goddess.

The phases of the moon correspond to the life cycles of women

(waxing moon, full moon, waning moon - young woman, mother, old woman).

Women in particular should be able to contribute to the healing of the world,

because they have access to holy life energy

and have power with the womb.

There are numerous references to "ancient female wisdom".

The highly ritualized spiritual practice is based on phases of the moon.

Witches meet thirteen times a year on a full moon.

There are also eight sabbate witches annually:

Imbolc 1.2., Ostara spring equinox 21.3.

Beltane (April 30th to May 1st), Litha Midsummer Kupala (June 21st),

Lughnasadh (July 31 to August 1), Mabon Fall Equinox September 21,

Samhain (October 31st), Yule, Julfest (December 21st).

For a balanced, happy life, the goal is

to align with the moon cycles.

"Materialism and consumer terror,

Environmental destruction,

social injustice and patriarchy.

To overcome these old structures

alternative forms of life are developed.

The witches of Instagram

Whether Azealia Banks witches utensils closet on Instagram

or Lana Del Ray, who is her Twitter follower

to an anti-trump magical moon cycle ritual -

Witchcraft is on the rise.

And not only celebrities are turning to the occult,

you can always see more Bibis than Tinas on the catwalk.

Whether Preen, Alberta Ferretti or Christian Dior -

all follow the magical and natural.

Alexander Mcqueen sends the models

for autumn / winter in fur, feather and capes with occult motifs

on the catwalk and Gucci's Alessandro Michele

uses for the ready-to-wear show

a huge black pyramid as a backdrop.

In the USA, "witchcraft" has almost exploded in all forms:

Santeria, an African-American form of witchcraft,

Wicca or Vodoo.

But why are more and more millennials adopting a form of religion

the not so long ago

Has put millions of women on the verge of failure?

Witchcraft was never gone.

In the 1960s, followers used their spirituality to live free love,

Nudity or experimenting with drugs.

With the revival of the 90s and series like Charmed, Buffy

or the remake of Blairwitch Project

the occult experienced a new mainstream boost.

What nature children had to pass on from mouth to mouth at the time,

has completely new dimensions in the age of the Internet

Artists like Tilly Garcia,

or _Spirits on Instagram, is with 36k followers

Part of a new online movement.

In the 90s, witches still had to communicate via chat room,

but more and more people connect through social media

and share magic on Instagram - Flatlays

or Gothic altar inspiration.

Under the hashtag #wichtesofinstagram

a subculture has emerged

that has nothing to do with old women with warts on their noses.

Witchcraft is digital today.

Rose Dumaine aka harvestrosewitchery

even made a real business out of it.

On Etsy they sell handmade magic utensils, talismans,

or potions and herbs for today's modern witch.

Wholesalers have also discovered this market trend like

Magic of Brighid witches magic oils candles magic dealer list

Witches rituals by Brighid information in German,

English, Francais, Italia. Info link: https://halloween.hexenzauber.eu/magic-of-brighid-hexenzauber-haendlerliste

Brighid can be found at Anderswelt Import.eu.

The internet has rebranded and normalized witchcraft.

Where most young people have access to all sorts of information

Which religion is just the right one?

What happens if I choose the wrong one?

Spirituality offers the perfect middle ground.

It combines the best of everything.

Witchcraft goes perfectly with Generation X,

in mindfulness, meditation and new age concepts

are very trendy.

And studies show: 72% of millennials

feel more spiritual than religious.

The eclecticism that witchcraft offers

can be topped by only a few things on the faith market.

Witchcraft is also closely interwoven

with the currently celebrated feminism.

And while feminism is currently a remake

lived through the bra burning emancipation,

witchcraft is also undergoing an evolution.

But let's face it: we wouldn't all like to

Want magical powers from time to time?

Hex! Hex! Sources link:

Sorciere Witchcraft Hexenmagie Free 1APP Link:

Sorciere Witchcraft Hexenmagie Free 2APP Link:

Patreon La Srega Sorciere Witchcraft 1Link:

Patreon La Srega Sorciere Witchcraft 2Link:

La Srega Sorciere Witchcraft Video Blog Link:

Magia della candela istruzione Link:

Pinterest Hexenfeste Sabbat de Sorciere Witchcraft Link:

Happy New Year Greetings Videos, Neujahrsgrüße Videos Bonne annee, Happy new Year, Buon anno, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Lien: Link:

Magic Candle Wholesale Link:

Google Play Store

Anderswelt Magic of Brighid Free App Link:

Esoterikhändler Liste, Liste des distributeurs ésotériques, 

Esoteric distributors list, Elenco distributori esoterici. Link:

Hexennachrichten, Nouvelles des sorcières, 

Witches news, Notizie sulle streghe. Link:

Hexenwandern Ritualplätze, Les sorcières voyagent dans des lieux rituels, 

Witches travel ritual places, Le streghe viaggiano in luoghi rituali. Link:

 Voodoo Oele Kerzen Kuba, Bougies à l'huile vaudou Cuba, 

Voodoo oil candles Cuba, Candele ad olio voodoo Cuba. Link:

Pinterest Hexenfeste Sabbat de Sorciere Witchcraft Link:

IT-Oshun Erzulie Voodoo Loa Veve amuleto dell’incantesimo d’amore Link:

FR-Oshun Erzulie Voodoo Loa Veve amulette de sort d’amour Lien:

EN-Oshun Erzulie Voodoo Loa Veve love spell amulet Link:

DE-Oshun Erzulie Voodoo Loa Veve Liebeszauber Amulett Link:


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